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Project Type: 12,000 Sq Ft Commercial Building
Built by GL Scrivens, designed by Juan Carlos Ochoa, with landscaping by Kirk Anderson and funding by Miriam Hoover and Louise and Ray Knowles, the Children’s Discovery Center is an interactive, “hands-on” children’s facility with a snack bar, public restrooms and green technologies. A prominent “cooling tower” designed by Greg Scrivens hovers over the outdoor public gathering space. The area is cooled through "convection" and "evaporation" utilizing a process by which warm air is pulled through a damp pad, allowing the cooler air to sink down a chamber or tower.
Three types of solar technologies were used, highlighting the trend towards this environmentally friendly technology. Regular Photovaltaic (PV) panels and Bifacial Photovaltaic (BFPV) panels were installed on the large diameter roof. Concentrated Photovaltaic Tracking Panels (CPV) trackers were also installed to help supplement the power use for the center.